Choosing Jesus Above Everything
A lot of time we forget that our life is nothing.
We often pay attention to small things in life while we miss big opportunities. We learn a valuable lesson about this in Matthew, when Jesus came to meet a man who was very well known in his community and society. The man came to Jesus because Jesus had the authority to let people into the eternal life. (Matthew 19:16-21)
This man said, “good teacher” or “good master” and bowed down to him.
And on top of that, he asked the most fundamental question on earth: What can I do to enter the kingdom of God, “what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” And then Jesus reviewed a couple of commandments, and then said “now you lack one thing.”
“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
How beautiful and short statement this statement is, and yet it is very hard to apply.
If Jesus would say this to one of us, “follow me,” what would we say?
This is the true way to the eternal life. Following Christ is not only in the word, but also in our actions, hearts, and thinking. Following Christ means a lot and it is not cheap.
We learn to get things very fast in life. We also think, because of the current culture, that we do something and then we get what we want quickly from God. But we have to follow Christ every single second, hour & day in life. This means “I have to deny myself” and take His cross daily, and then be able to follow Him.
You have free will, but as much as it is a good thing for you, you will also be judged by it. The free will given by Jesus is for one thing.
If you want to enter the kingdom of heaven, you have to go through Jesus and call to Him, “You are the only one with the word of the eternal life. You are the only one who is the door.”
If you want to enter, you have to go through Jesus.
Our life is too short, and there are a lot of choices, the temptations are big, and everything seems against us. But we have one person with us, and He was able to conquer sin.
When Jesus says “follow me” he is saying choose me and I will be with you all the days of your life.
You have the remote control. Will you choose the channel of God and follow Him? If you struggle, God will give you his hand and open your heart.
Learn more in Father Andrew’s Sunday sermon here.
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