“The Bread of Life” by Father Gabriel Alkass
Our beloved priests bake the bread before every liturgy, but how much do you know about the symbolism of this weekly tradition?
The bread means so much more to the Suryoyo faith, as the body and blood of Christ are prepared for communion each Sunday.
You can learn more in this educational sermon from Father Gabriel. Our Abounas bake the bread before every liturgy. But it means so much more to the Suryoyo faith, as it is only a step before preparing the body and blood of Christ for communion each Sunday.
Let’s meditate on the symbols behind the break baking process.
1. Scattered wheat grains in the field symbolize the children of God.
2. The grinding process of the wheat represents Christ’s passion.
3. Water is the Holy Spirit.
4. And the yeast is a symbol of our sins or temptations from evil. Jesus identified this as the Pharisees and Sadducees when he said, “Beware of the leaven.” (Luke 12:1)
The fire of the oven will burn the yeast’s effectiveness. Jesus took our sins over his shoulders, went through the fire of the crucifixion, and burned our sins. How beautiful is the meaning behind that and the bread process? So, that’s why we add yeast to the flour.
6. Each loaf is baked as a circle to represent the infinite love of Jesus over the world and the divinity of the Lord with no beginning or end, like a circle.
And the bread becomes the body of Jesus.
And when that happens, when you hear one of the deacons say, “How solemn is this hour?” As soon as you hear that, watch Abouna waving his hand over the bread and wine, and calling the Holy Spirit to transform the bread and wine into the body of the Lord.
Learn more from Father Gabriel’s sermon video here.
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