Don’t Delay Your Repentance
We have an invitation. God himself is inviting you to enjoy the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
When Jesus was once telling a story in the Book of Luke, someone told him “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” Luke 14:15, followed by Jesus inviting all of us to participate in his body and blood, and He said, “A certain man gave a great supper and invited men.”
But they all, with one accord, began to make excuses.
So which kind of people are we? We are not the one who give excuses, and don’t go to church and pray. Because there is something very important here: Don’t delay your repentance. Don’t postpone your coming to God. Because as the Bible says, we don’t know the hour or the day. I wish we knew.
There is a story of a man who asked God to how many years before he died, and he found out he had 20 years. Then, he went to enjoy his life and satisfy his desires. And despite God sending an Angel to remind him, the man said he will repent in the last year. And when he was in his 20th year, the man said he will repent at the last month and once again continued to enjoy his life. And when God sent an angel in the last month, the man delayed again and promised to repent on the last day. But instead, he got sick on the last day, and fell into a coma, and never had the chance to repent. Because he delayed.
A lot of people give excuses to themselves not to repent, pray or read the Bible. You only need to come to Him, open your heart, ask him to forgive you and accept Him as your savior.
The Bible says that God wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. As John 3:16, God “so loved the world” – he did it for all of us.
The wise person takes advantage, despite all the things going on around him, and takes the opportunity to come to Jesus.
Don’t delay your repentance by giving your excuse. You know why? Your conscience will become very tough, and it will become harder to come back. If you keep delaying your repentance, your heart will be a like a rock. Even if you want to repent, it won’t be easy for you to come back. The more you refuse to hear His voice, the more your heart will harden.
You should just come to Him right now. You don’t need to make a miracle. Just seek repentance.
Or one day the door will be closed.
Learn more in Father Andrew’s sermon video here.
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