From Father Andrew Bahhi: Returning to Jesus from the Wilderness
A lot of our struggles in our life is because we don’t know Jesus exactly. If we do know him personally, we should be able to face the whole world without any fear, struggle, no matter what the circumstances in our life.
In Mark 8, the people followed Jesus into the wilderness. Imagine you were following Jesus for three days in the wilderness, as the disciples did. Jesus opened the divine channel to those people to tell them so much about God the father. Jesus, as St. Paul said, came to build a bridge between God and us. Everyone just wanted to follow him – those people were very fortunate, very lucky, and they followed him out of love.
If we only go to him, we will find the right answer. If you want and are hungry, in the wilderness, he is encouraging you “Come to me.”
He said to them “I have a compassion on the multitude,” the Bible said, “because they now have continued with me for three days and have nothing to eat.” Jesus wanted to satisfy their needs.
Imagine you are one of the people, you are not hungry for real food. Jesus is not speaking about real food – he is speaking about spiritual food that everyone is hungry for. The wilderness refers to the world that we live in. The world cannot provide the real food, the happiness for us.
Jesus has a compassion for you, and he is saying “I do care about you.” He knows every single second of pain you feel; he cares about every single day you spend in the world without him. He does care about your life, and he wants to satisfy you, and fill your heart with blessing.
He knows when you come to his home.
You know how many people are on drugs? You know how many people take depression medication? And do you know how many people have problems and commit suicide? And do you know how many of those people are around us? They may even be in our family.
Jesus is giving us the solution. He noticed how much those people loved him, but without him, they are in the wilderness.
You think your life is messed up, you made the worst mistake ever, committed the worst sin ever? Just put it in Jesus’ hands, and he will grant you, and give you satisfaction, real satisfaction. By receiving his spirit, body, and blood IN FAITH.
Take the spiritual food as strength in your life and become spiritually strong.
He is the one who has the answer. And he is the one who can bless your life. He can break your history and give you a new future in his name. All it takes from us, dear brothers and sisters, is that we give our heart today and put it in his hands. Like the seven loaves of bread and a few fish, he blessed it and multiplied it.
And he will bless you and break all the sins and all the shame that you feel, and he will instead bless your heart and make it clean, and he will grant you the eternal life.
Remember Jesus once said, “ask, and it will be given to you.”
Learn more in Father Andrew’s sermon video here.
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