Historical Photos: Father John’s Ordination, Board, School Association, Clergy


During the summer, we are featuring photo archives from our church over the years. From our early days in West New York, through our current church in Paramus. We’ll be naming as many of the identifiable names that we can.

We hope you enjoy them.

Featured Image, Above, Father John Khoury’s ordination in 1966

From left:
Deacon John Haboob, High Deacon Ablahad Bahto, altar boy Jerry Bakal, Rev. Abdulahad Sakar of St. Mark’s, Rev. John Khoury, U.S. and Canada Archbishop Mar Athanatius U. Samuel, Rev. Abdulahad Doumato of Saint Ephraim Syriac Orthodox Church in Central Falls, R.I., Rev. M.K. Simon, Rev. Albert Samuel, High Deacon Thomas Bishar


Board of Trustees – 1930

Front row, seated left to right:
Mary Koorie Boorjian, Charles Cheringal, Alfred Joseph, Rev. Elias G. Sugar, John Cherinal, George Mardinly, Tooma Redvanly
Back row, left to right: Jacob Tarzy, Hanna Celingar, Ibrahim Mardinly, Hanna Kerdersha, Joseph Kazanchy, Said Atanas.

Assyrian School Association – 1935

Assyrian School Association 1935Front row, seated left to right:
Tom Safar, Geo. Safar, Fatallah Abaji, (unnamed), John Sakar, Russ Safar, Jim Kedersha, Louis Boyaji, Esehak Atans, Aranor Donabed

2nd row:
Nauhsarahoun, Said Darakly, Chas. Dartley, (unnamed first name) Koorie, Skazanjy, Uahkoobtarzy, NaomTariy, Tokmangarabed Riskalla, (unnamed first name) Sakar

3rd row:
Riskha Safar, Dick Shamsey, Jam Shamsey, Bishar Boyajy, Yusef Darakjy, Hanna Darakjy, Kerim Redvanly, (unnamed first name) Kuboosh, Said Darakjy, Selim Darakjy, Elias Palak, Eshak Atanas

Back row:
Naum Bazai, Shukry Samuel, Said Rumana, John Malook, Aziz Dartley, Samuel Darakjy, Jacob Kuboosh, Nasib Majejy, Senhalib Balley, Kreim Boyajy, Said Bally, Hanna Kedersha, Tom Redvanly, Elias Boyajy, Tom Sakar

Deacons & Clergy, West New York – 1940s

Clergy 1940s

John Habobo, (unnamed first name) Darkjey, Elias Boyajy, Rev. Sugar, Bishop Samuel, Elias Palak, Tom Bishar, Ned Mardenly, Sami Shamsey
