How to Practice Servant Leadership – His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak
In today’s reading, Mark 9:30-41, we see many topics, but there is one core message. It is talking about servanthood. In verse 35, the Lord says “If anyone desires to be served, he shall be last of all and servants of all.”
This is a crucial scene. Believers are taught to lead lives of giving instead of taking and consider the needs of others.
St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians 2:1-11 pointed to the life of Jesus as the ultimate example of a servant leader. The essence of leadership is being a servant. This is a message that needs to be proclaimed loudly and strongly in a world that that sees leadership as demanding others in unquestioning ways to telling others what to do.
In marriages, are you leading the household as a servant, not demanding with an iron fist or telling your family what to do? Leadership in the church, and I am talking about myself and Abouna Andrew, is not about leading with an iron fist and telling the flock what to do. Of course, we must tell you what to do as it relates to our faith and our creed. But in other matters, we must be one and we have to lead the church in a democratic way.
Christian leadership is not about personal honor, accomplishments, or recognition, but Christian leadership is about equipping God’s people. The goal of Christian leadership is to help and enable others that God has called them to be. We are lifting them up by letting them stand on our shoulders.
Being a leader and being a disciple is being a servant. The heart of a servant welcomes others without consideration of what they will receive in return.
You will have to serve, sacrifice, and believe me you will get your reward. But not here.
A true servant does not show favoritism or discrimination towards others, especially those who are weak or helpless.
Husbands, how are you serving your wife and children? Wives, your turn, how are you serving your husband and children? Parents, how are you serving your children – it is about raising them in the instruction of the Lord as the God disciplines and teaches us. Children, how you are treating your parents.? Clergy, how are you are treating your flock? And deacons, how are you serving God’s altar, and how you are behaving outside the church?
How are we serving each other, spiritually, strengthening each other in the faith? And physically with our actions and time. How are we willing to serve?
Each one of us is called to be last of all people and be a servant of all people.
No one is too small for the kingdom, and no work is too small for God’s kingdom.
May the good Lord bless all of us, and enable us to be true followers of Him, and true servants of all people. And may he grant us His eternal life. Amen.
Learn more in the Sunday Sermon from His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak here.
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