How to See the Glory of God – By Father Andrew Bahhi
The Feast of the Transfiguration is unique, beautiful, and important to our spiritual life. We talk about the scene from heaven that appeared for the first time on earth. This is important for holiness because when we see this glory of God on earth, there is a hidden call to experience and to test His glory.
How? By being holy on the inside.
David in Psalm 34 said, “they looked to Him and were radiant.” Or they were lightened, and their face were not ashamed. This is how the Holy Spirit says about all those who look to God — their face is radiant, give life and will never be ashamed. From the inside to the outside.
Clean heart, true light on the inside.
In the book of Luke, Jesus and 3 of his disciples, went up on the mountain to pray. From this verse we see how important prayer is. Because when they went up to the mountain to pray, the result is the glory of Jesus appeared to the disciples, and the two disciples from the Old Testament, Moses, and Elijah. This is a picture of what will be in the second coming.
Here, we see Jesus glorified. We hear the voice of the Father saying, “This is my beloved son.” We see two prophets, Moses and Elijah, and we see 3 of Jesus’s disciples — Peter, John and James.
These represent the Divine world — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit — and the Old Testament and New Testaments.
This is how we are going to see eternity one day.
There is a relationship between the true prayer and how the glory of God will appear on the outside when we have these prayers. Going up to a mountain to pray is more than a physical act. When we pray, we go up, and when it is true prayer, God will appear for us.
Time is the most valuable thing on this earth. We can increase everything in our life, position, money, anything. But with time, the second that we lose it, we cannot get it back. Having said this, I want to open our eyes to wake up because when the Glory of Jesus appeared, the three disciples that Jesus took with Him for the glorious change of appearance, those three disciples were sleeping.
This happens as Christians. We are in a spiritual sleep. We try to be alert, but unfortunately, we are often spiritually asleep.
Jesus is showing us a little of His glory in order to be ready for the eternal glory. But with Peter, James and John missed most of that spiritual event because they were sleeping.
That’s why Jesus said to them, “What could you not watch with me for one hour?” You couldn’t stay with me for one hour and see glory? Watch and pray lest you enter temptation.
So, in this beautiful feast, we can focus on two things 1) How if we are enlightened on inside will His glory appear on the outside, and 2) to do that, we have to always be awake and ready and watch because we don’t know when the time is coming when Jesus will come. But what will be different will be whether we are ready or not.
I pray that God will make all of us ready on this beautiful day because Jesus is still among us. He said his name is “Emmanuel” which means God is with us. So, we believe he is here.
It is worthy to wake up and attend this beautiful liturgy, and always when we pray and read the Bible, we see the Glory of God. And when we see the Glory of God, His glory will come to us, and also, we’ll lead a glorious life.
Learn more in Father Andrew’s sermon here.
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