Jesus Feeds the Multitudes
At this time in the liturgical calendar, we are still celebrating the Feast of the Resurrection and the Feast of the Pentecost. And it is in this context that we read today’s Biblical passage about feeding the multitudes in Matthew 14. There are 3 reasons this reading is important now:
1. This is an image of our salvation
The multitude experienced Jesus’s mercy and compassion. When God the father saw the multitudes, he was moved by compassion. None of the prophets and figures of the Old Testament were able to save those people. They tried, but they failed. Moreover, some of them moved people away from God. Note the false prophets.
Only one was able to save humanity. God the father sent His only begotten son, the bread of life, to feed, give us life and to give us life abundantly.
He saw us going astray and He came to help us like a shepherd to the sheep.
2. It is an image of the liturgical and missionary life of the church.
The church is poor. She brings to God all our offerings and looks up to heaven and asks God to bless and to break and distribute to the multitudes. It is in the church that it brings the offerings of the people, the bread & wine, so God the father may make the bread and wine into our Lord Jesus Christ. To receive eternal life and the remission of sins.
This miracle teaches the church’s identity as a missionary church.
The Lord was in a boat with His disciples, and they wanted some rest after hearing of the beheading of John the Baptist. And yet Jesus left from the boat and was moved with compassion for the multitudes.
We are also asked to come out of the boat — leave everything that makes us feel secure, peaceful, restful, tranquil — to discover something new, such as the multitudes, those in need of Christ. We go beyond ourselves to see the needs of others.
Jesus then healed the sick (Matthew 14:14). We are called to bring healing to those whom we meet. To bring peace to those whom we meet.
After all were satisfied, we must keep this faith, that even though we are poor we become rich, we possess nothing and yet we have everything with Jesus. The disciples collected 12 baskets of bread and fish. So, after going out and being moved with compassion for the multitudes, bringing healing to the people, and blessing them abundantly, there is one more thing we have to do. Pray.
After all of this, Jesus made the disciples go into the boat and He went into the mountain and prayed.
We have served our Lord, brought healing, and we still have to end with the prayer.
3. It is our mission to be like Jesus. To bring healing to the world, fulfill the needs of the world and have faith that when we give abundantly, we will also receive abundantly.
I pray to the Lord that he may make us always worthy to partake of this body and blood and proclaim the good news of holy nations and peoples to be part of God’s work. And we may altogether, at the end of times, celebrate the heavenly eucharist and be with him in Heaven.
Learn more in Shamosho Imad’s sermon video here.
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