Resurrection Day 2022: He is Risen – By Father Andrew Bahhi
Today is a very special day in all of mankind. This is the day of the Resurrection of our Savior and God Jesus Christ. I pray we all can really enjoy this beautiful and special event.
Christ has risen. Indeed, He has risen.
This is the most amazing statement that you and I could ever hear. Can anyone tired, depressed, or with any problems, gain when they hear these words?
This very special announcement has power. This power is the power of the Resurrection. So, when we give, receive and believe in the power of the Resurrection, we will receive it. And when we receive it, we will become a new creation in our Savior Jesus Christ.
Dear brothers and sisters, if we look to the event and people who were there, before and after, we will see a huge and big difference. So, if you are in a difficult situation, today is your day! Because the power of the Resurrection was able to change death to life.
Can you give me any power on this earth to change anything dead to a living creature? No!
Learn more in Father Andrew’s Resurrection Day (Easter) sermon video here.
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