Jan 2023

Today we are celebrating the epiphany, the baptism of the Lord. And repentance and confession lead to the treasures of God. The word Epiphany means the appearance of the Holy Trinity. And so, the appearance was as follows: First of all, seeing the Lord Jesus, who has no sins standing in the river Jordan for what reason? The repentance of baptism. “This is my beloved son,” says the Lord, and the Holy Spirit descends to form the Trinity, the father, son, and Holy Spirit. Why are the Holy Spirit and the water......
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Nov 2021

We cannot see Him with our physical eyes. But God is with us. We can see him, feel him and ask him to bless us. Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth loved God. He was a priest and from a priestly tribe, and she was also righteous. They were righteous people, which means without blame. And they performed all of God’s commandments. The believed in God’s presence in their life. But they could not have children. And while this can often make one mad, not Zachariah and Elizabeth. Why? Let me tell you......
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Feb 2020

When somebody walks without God, people tell me sarcastically. “Abouna, nothing happens to him. And to the good one, whatever problems of the world happen to them.” We have to put in our mind something very important — those who walk in fear of God and follow Jesus, they will be the target of the evil one. No one throws stones at a tree without fruit. They only throw stones at the trees with the fruit, in order to get the fruit. So even though you are walking in fear of God......
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Dec 2019

We are almost 3 Sundays apart from Christmas, the birth of Jesus, and today we celebrate the nativity of John the Baptist. We still remember a couple weeks ago when the Angel Gabriel came to John the Baptist’s father, and gave him the annunciation. He also told him something very important: this baby you will have, he will be great in the sight of the Lord. And somewhere else, Jesus himself said “among those born of women, there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist.” In both, we have a......
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Nov 2019

When we go to church after a long week, facing challenges in our life, we seek comfort, peace and rest in our mind, heart, body and thoughts. And we also seek forgiveness from the Almighty one to wash our hearts, receive His spiritual food – His body and blood – and we can charge our mind. So, we can go through the new week strong, facing our life without any fear. This is what the church is about. And so, the church prepares readings, and we can see the feasts, memorials and......
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Nov 2018

A lot of time we talk about God and people think he is up in heaven and we are here on earth. And we don’t know if he hears us, especially for those things we really need dearly in our life. Then we feel there is a distance between us and him, and slowly our spiritual feeling becomes harsh, and we don’t feel his presence anymore. But remember — The Bible says he is always with us, and he said he will be with us all the days of our life and......
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