The Transfiguration of Christ and Strengthening our Faith

The Transfiguration of Christ and Strengthening our Faith

The Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ is celebrated in a guest sermon from Mor Justinus Boulos Safar, Patriarchal Vicar in Zahleh and Beqaa:

Today is a very special feast, where we celebrate the transfiguration of Jesus. Jesus went to the mountain and took three disciples with him — Peter, John and James — and during this time, he started to pray. And during the prayer – Jesus’s face became a sun shining, and his dress so white. The disciples could not see his face because it was so shiny.

And then there appeared two prophets, Moses, representing the Old Testament Law, and Elijah, representing the prophets. And then a voice coming from the clouds saying, “This is my beloved son.”

This feast is so important for the identity of Jesus. Jesus spent about 3 years and 3 months with his disciples. They were sometimes confused about his personality and identity. They were confused because they saw him as a human – eating, walking, drinking – everything that a full human would. At the same time, he was performing a lot of miracles. Nobody could understand the real identity of Jesus. That’s why Peter said, “you are the only begotten son of the living God.”

And also, today, Jesus in his appearance showed that he is a full God. They saw him as a God.

And two of the most important prophets from the old testament came. Each represented a key. Moses, representing the Old Testament Law, and Elijah, representing the prophets. This showed that Jesus is the master of the commandments, and the master of all prophets and prophecy.

It is so important for us, dear faithful, because the disciples should knew from this that they should not expect anyone else to come. He is the savior, the god and messiah.

This is so blessed a day and important feast. First, to bless all of us, and then to strengthen us in our faith. Because sometimes doubts come to our minds, and sometimes those doubts take us away from Jesus. We ask Jesus to stay with us strengthen us, and not allow any idea, anything to allow us to be taken away.

Learn more in the sermon video here.
