Blasphemes Against the Holy Spirit: February 18, 2024
Citing Luke 12:10 — And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. – Father Gabriel reminds us...
Saint Stephen: January 28, 2024
In recognition of the recent feast and to honor our church’s deacons, Father Gabriel tells us the story of Saint Stephen, the early leader of the deacons of the church, and our first martyr.
The Bread of Life: January 21, 2024
Our beloved priests bake the bread before every liturgy, but how much do you know about the symbolism of this weekly tradition?
The Divinity of Christ: December 24, 2023
Father Gabriel welcomes us on Christmas Eve, and reminds us the doctrine of Christ as God. Quoting John 1:1, it is written: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and...
Faith Against Fear & Suffering: March 5, 2023
Father Gabriel celebrates the Feast of St. Ephrem and reminds us about Jesus’s meeting of the leper.
Jesus as the Bridegroom at Cana’s Wedding: February 26, 2023
Learn as Jesus turns water into wine.
For the Faithful Departed: February 19, 2023
Father Gabriel remembers our faithful departed, including those we lost in the recent earthquake in Turkey & Syria.
Presentation of Jesus to the Temple: February 5, 2023
Father Gabriel recounts the beautiful passages of Luke 2:22-40 and the presentation of the Lord Jesus to the temple.
In Your Light, Lord, We Shall See Light: January 29, 2023
As Abouna prepares the altar each Sunday, and the choir sings, we all say and sing, “In Your Light, Lord, We Shall See Light.” – Why do we sing?
Learning from the Saints: January 22, 2023
Father Gabriel speaks of the feast of St. Anthony with lessons to us all about how the saints lived.