Sep 2022

When we talk about the cross in the church, we talk about something very important. The cross is a major measurement of our spiritual life. Everything we do in our lives, if we measure it with the cross, we will know if it is good and benefit our spiritual life. For instance, in my work. The cross will be my measurement; in my heart, if I do good, I am a very good Christian. But if I twist the truth, the cross will tell me my spiritual measurement is not good enough.......
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Sep 2021

This week we celebrate the feast of the discovery of the Holy Cross. I pray we can be protected, blessed, and be under the protection of the cross. When you see the cross you feel safe, and not scared for yourself. When we sign the cross over ourselves and do anything with the sign of the cross, we should feel protected and blessed. Before Christ, the sign of the cross was a sign of shame and curse, a very bad punishment, and a sign of death. And after Christ, it was something......
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Sep 2018

On September 14, we celebrated the feast of the discovery of the Holy Cross. We all have an opportunity to go to heaven, not because of the cross itself, but because Jesus put himself on the cross, the sign of victory. We feel we are protected by the power of the cross. The cross has blessings. In the 4th century, there was Helen the mother of the emperor Constantine. She was the daughter of a Syriac priest. She had a wish that she can find the cross one day. And after she......
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