May 2021

As you all know this year we are honoring Mor Jacob of Serugh, the harp of the Holy Spirit, a very well-known poet and a great teacher in our Syriac Church of Antioch on his 1500 Jubilee year. Throughout this year we will be dedicating and sending articles about him. We encourage you all to take the time and read about the great Saint....
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May 2021

Christ has risen. Our dear brothers and sisters, I am very happy and very blessed and very honored and humbled to celebrate this liturgy, especially when last year we were not able to celebrate together this beautiful Easter. And we cry out Christ Is Risen. We should always, whenever you are down, remember what happened to Jesus and his disciples, and on Sunday, Christ rose from death. Ask God to help you to help you and raise you up from wherever you are, whatever you face, whatever things you are going through.......
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Apr 2021

Today, we celebrate the entering of our Savior Jesus Christ to Jerusalem. We call this Sunday “Palm Sunday.” This Sunday where the little children and unknown people rejoiced and praised the king of kings. And what the Lord is doing today is coming here to our church, our life, our houses – is there anybody ready to worship him, praise him, to call to him “Hosanna, in the highest”? Yes! Hosanna is a Syriac word meaning, “Oh Lord, safe.” I pray that we can all be like the little children who rejoiced......
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Apr 2021

Today is the 6th Sunday of the Holy Lent, where we read the Miracle of the Blind Man. In the Bible, we see 3 times about Jesus Christ helping people who suffer from blindness. In each time, Jesus helped in different ways to heal them. Today according to the Gospel of Mark, we read when Jesus helped a man called Bartimaeus or in Syriac called Bartimay. (Timay means somebody valuable, who has a very special place). When we read the gospel about this miracle, we can say Bartimay was a man who......
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Apr 2021

This is the 4th Sunday of the Great Lent, where we read in the book of Matthew about a beautiful miracle. We speak of the healing of the daughter of the Canaanite woman. One day Jesus was near Tyre and Sidon. There were gentiles there, nonbelievers, and there was also a faithful woman from that area. She came, and she was crying out to Jesus explaining her problem. “Son of David, have mercy on my daughter because she is possessed by demons,” she said. Jesus then looked to her while speaking “How......
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Mar 2021

I thank our Holy Father for all the blessings and mercies, and that we are alive. As long as we are alive, the door is still open to come back to God, repent, and open our heart. Especially in this season, the holiday of the Holy Lent. Come closer to God and please Him by offering true repentance and love and coming to Him. We call this Sunday the 3rd Sunday of the Holy Lent, where we read about a new miracle Jesus Christ had done when he held the paralytic man.......
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Mar 2021

For this Sunday, the Sunday for all the faithful departed, this is the Sunday that should wake us all up. Because we have the chance to repent and to come back. That’s why we read today in Luke 12:40 “Be ready because the son of man is coming at the very hour you don’t expect.” Jesus will come and serve His children. Can you imagine the honor for us, the creation, to have the Savior standing up and serving us? Our savior needs nothing from us, except to be ready. How can......
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Feb 2021

In the book of Mark 6:2, when Jesus went to his hometown of Nazareth, he preached in the synagogue. The lesson to us that day is this — He was telling each of us, you have to go to church to be blessed. Because in the church, as a body of Christ, we are all members of His body. When Jesus spoke that day, people began to complain and put a wall between them and the savior, while others said “and what wisdom which is given to him” that such mighty words......
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Jan 2021

Father Andrew tells us about the presentation of the Lord to the Temple, and how He was met with the great faith of Simon the elder. ...
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Jan 2021

Because we have grown up in a Christian family, we sometimes take the word of God and salvation for granted. That means we hear the word that changed the life for many people, hear of miracles, and read the word of the Gospels and yet we don’t have true happiness in our life. This is the Sunday of Nicodemus, which we read about in John 3. A man supposedly was a man of God, elderly, and he was one of the wise men of the community and yet he was looking for......
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