
Oct 2022
Book of Matthew

Every time you come to church, challenge yourself “I am not going to leave the church today until I am blessed with purpose.” We are not coming to the church just to comfort our conscience and have social time. Rather, I challenge myself to be the person who comes every morning to church who will not be the same person after liturgy because we ask God to give us a message. In Matthew 12:5-16, Jesus was talking with the Pharisees about something very important. How can we change our consciousness? Humans love......

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Sep 2022
Yeast of the Pharisees

Today, we look at Matthew 16:6-12, and Jesus’s warning to “beware of the teaching of the Pharisees.”  When Jesus was journeying with the disciples, and they wanted to take some bread, he said something very serious and dangerous “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees.” The disciples were puzzled and thought Jesus was referring to the physical bread, and Jesus responded – Don’t you understand and remember how I fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread? Why shouldn’t you understand this is more......

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Sep 2022
Preparing for the Lord

Today we are learning about readiness or preparation for the Lord. How I can be ready for the Lord? How much are we preparing ourselves for that day? “Nobody knows the hour or the day,” as it says in Matthew 24:36. Like a real wedding – Am I ready to put the clothes of righteousness in preparation when the heavenly groom arrives? Am I inviting people to that unending wedding? The caring for the decorations, flowers, and food – I wish I had that zeal to prepare myself with the food of......

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Sep 2022
Feast of the Holy Cross

When we talk about the cross in the church, we talk about something very important. The cross is a major measurement of our spiritual life. Everything we do in our lives, if we measure it with the cross, we will know if it is good and benefit our spiritual life. For instance, in my work. The cross will be my measurement; in my heart, if I do good, I am a very good Christian. But if I twist the truth, the cross will tell me my spiritual measurement is not good enough.......

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Aug 2022
Christ salvation

“A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, ‘Come, for all things are now prepared.’ But they all began to make excuses. The first said, ‘I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused.’ And another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused.’ Another said, ‘I have married a......

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Aug 2022
True Christians are Patient and Longsuffering - By Father Andrew Bahhi

When we come to church, we come for many different reasons. But I pray when we come, we come with a passion to the word of God, Jesus and our salvation. Why do I say that? Because the word of God will be here every time you come, there is a lesson and beautiful meaning the Lord wants us to understand in our spiritual life. For example, our prayers today are about the Book of Matthew. The Lord said three parables, the seed, the yeast and finally the parable of the mustard......

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Aug 2022
The Transfiguration of Christ - By Father Andrew Bahhi

Today is a beautiful day. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. I pray that the glory that our savior showed to His disciples and two prophets from the Old Testament – Moses and Elijah – I pray that God will show His glory among us and bless all of us. The story says the Lord took Peter, John and James, and said let’s go to the top of the mountain. As the Lord prayed, the appearance of his face was altered, and His robe was white and glistening. His divine......

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Jul 2022
How to Keep Your Home & Church Unified - By Father Andrew Bahhi

In Mark 3:24-25, it says “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” This is a strong warning from our Lord himself, but this is not for everyone, but only those who do not take this valuable saying seriously. What will make the house divided? Two very important things will make any house, church, community, company divided – pride and lack of love. We should be careful, especially as Christians, because the house is the main place......

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Jul 2022
Avoid Stumbling Blocks and Be a Blessing to Others - By Father Andrew Bahhi

Sometimes as Christians, whether we do it on purpose or we don’t mean it, the Lord warns against those who are stumbling blocks for others (Luke 17:1). Those people should come back and repent. “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come!” – Jesus says. Why is it a sin to be a stumbling block? It means when someone causes the downfall of another, whether they meant it or not. It happens when we are causing offenses to others. So as Christians, we......

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Jul 2022

During the summer, we are featuring photo archives from our church over the years. From our early days in West New York, through our current church in Paramus. We’ll be naming as many of the identifiable names that we can. We hope you enjoy them. Featured Image, Above, Father John Khoury’s ordination in 1966 From left: Deacon John Haboob, High Deacon Ablahad Bahto, altar boy Jerry Bakal, Rev. Abdulahad Sakar of St. Mark’s, Rev. John Khoury, U.S. and Canada Archbishop Mar Athanatius U. Samuel, Rev. Abdulahad Doumato of Saint Ephraim Syriac Orthodox......

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