Jul 2022

During the summer, we’ll be featuring photo archives from our church over the years. From our early days in West New York, through our current church in Paramus. We’ll be naming as many of the identifiable names that we can. We hope you enjoy them. Featured Image, Above, Church Play – 1935 On the floor: Charlote Zakar, Linda, Koorie Front row, left to right: Zora, Johnzakr, Freda Zakar, Mary Sardian, Zora Soojian, Fayzakar, Mary Tashian, Sully Ackar Second row: Shamsey, Rooma Redvanly, Zora Tarzy, Asfar, Redvanly, Susan Hyatt, Sussian Koorie Founding......
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Jul 2022

The Bible speaks about 5,000 men meeting with the Lord and the disciples, and perhaps 15-20,000 people including women and children. And while they were in the middle of nowhere in the wilderness, they finished all their food, the disciples told the Lord they should dismiss the crowd because they do not have any more food. (Matthew 14:13-21). In a way, the disciples were looking for a way to say they were not responsible anymore. They only had five loaves of bread and two fish. And this statement is what I call......
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Jul 2022

We should worship God and explain our love for Him through good deeds. Sometimes, it is not easy to serve God. Because we must be like being a warrior, fighting an enemy. So, being a servant of God, a lot of time we see the evil one putting us through a struggle. When we serve God, this is true prayer, because sometimes we don’t say something but we show it through our deeds. This is what the Lord said when He told the disciples to perform their ministry. And this is when......
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Jun 2022
This hour and a half that we spend in the church each Sunday is the key or the beginning to be an important spiritual journey with our savior. As in the parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-15), we only plant the seed of life in each one of us. But in order for the seed to grow, we determine if it will grow or die. That’s why this parable is very important, especially since this Sunday is the first one after the Pentecost. We believe the Holy Spirit is upon the church,......
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Jun 2022

The Holy Spirit is also a divine nature. He is a person equal in the divine nature to the father and the son. As when we pray on the creed, we pray the Holy Spirit is God. The problem we don’t understand is because we do not see Holy Spirit. We know a lot about the son. But if we understand the rule of the Holy Spirit in our life, we create a true understanding of who God is. Among all the gifts that have been given to mankind, there is not......
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May 2022

How can we gain simplicity and strong faith in God? We need to have the gift of the Holy Spirit, called the gift of discernment. We have two ways in our lives: 1) the way of life, the way to walk with God, the way of good deeds and virtues or 2) the way of sin and death. And through discernment, we choose between the two. This is what our Savior said in John 3:17 “For God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world......
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May 2022

To know the purpose of our life is very important, especially as Christians. We are not just a number. Every one of you God created for a very important holy and novel reason. That’s why in John 4, we see the disciples ask Jesus ‘do you want to eat?’ and Jesus answered unexpectedly ‘my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish His work.’ – John 4:34 And as we remember the last words of the Lord in His life on this earth was “it is......
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May 2022

This Sunday we learn how the Lord again appeared to the disciples since the Resurrection, and this time it happened as they returned to their normal life. The disciples joined Simon to go fishing. Something similar happens a lot with us after the Holy Season and is a reminder to us all: The Resurrection does not end on Easter, but instead the feast of the Resurrection BEGINS on Easter. We should take advantage of this holy day and take the blessings to all of our days. After Jesus’s Resurrection, many important things......
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Apr 2022

Today is a very special day in all of mankind. This is the day of the Resurrection of our Savior and God Jesus Christ. I pray we all can really enjoy this beautiful and special event. Christ has risen. Indeed, He has risen. This is the most amazing statement that you and I could ever hear. Can anyone tired, depressed, or with any problems, gain when they hear these words? This very special announcement has power. This power is the power of the Resurrection. So, when we give, receive and believe in......
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Apr 2022

Knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the future might be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I thirst.” Now, a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there filled with hyssop. “It is finished,” he said, and bowing his head he gave up his spirit. (John 19:28-30) A blessed Good Friday to you all my brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. We find ourselves again gathered before the cross mourning the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. The beautiful colors and joy of Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem Palm Sunday morning......
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